The current application cycle is now closed. 

Please check back on August 1, 2024 for the 2025 Scholarship Application.

Why Should You Apply

This is a scholarship built on creating a network. Through this scholarship, if you are chosen, you will become a part of the family. The foundation will do everything in its power to make sure you are set up for success. You will be mentored, but you will also become a mentor for the next recipients following behind you.

It is our goal to build a massive networking platform that you will be able to use whilst a student and as a working professional. Our scholarship platform will help you develop your resume, apply for/gain internships, and find job placement after your time in college. So, when you become that professional you’ve always dreamed of, you can reach back to the foundation and help those following in your footsteps.

Scholarships can range up to $4000 each year ($2000 fall/spring for each recipient) and are open to high school graduates who have a minimum GPA of 3.0 who will attend a Florida university, college, or trade school program.

Students must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Proof of enrollment from an accredited technical school or college in the US (attach an acceptance letter or letter of offer).
  • Latest official high school transcripts.
  • A record of community service.
  • A high school diploma with a minimum GPA of 3.0, but you must maintain the same performance in college for continued financial aid.
  • Two recommendation letters (from coaches, teachers, or employers).
  • SAT/ACT scores and all other achievements/honors.
  • A 500-word maximum essay.
  • Submit all documents listed above with your online application.
  • Attend an interview if selected as a finalist.


  • Be a Senior pursuing technical school or college education.
  • Attend a public, private, or charter school in Palm Beach County, FL.
  • Meet the academic and community requirements set by the foundation.

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

–Nelson Mandela